Wednesday, February 5, 2014

A message from EverFi!

Did you know Digital Learning Day is tomorrow, February 5th?  EverFi wants hear from you on the impact our courses have had in your classroom.  If you haven't gotten started with an EverFi course, Digital Learning Day is the perfect time to launch the curriculum with your students.
We will be awarding three lucky teachers with $100 gift cards for sharing creative and inspirational photos with EverFi on twitter. Some ideas of what to share are photos of your students using one of our courses or students with their certificates.  Winners will be contacted on February 7th.
To be eligible to win the gift card, you must:
  • Tweet @EverFi and use the hastag #FiTeacher4DLD
  • Your post must revolve around the use of EverFi courses in your classroom
  • You must have students currently going through the curriculum (at least 3 students that have completed 1 module)
We look forward to hearing from you!
Sarah Ponder