Monday, April 21, 2014

You will create a PowerPoint for your amendment to the US Constitution.

For each amendment you will answer 4 questions.

1. What year was the amendment ratified?

2. What was the purpose of the amendment?

3. What problem was the amendment meant to address?

4. In your opinion, how effective is the amendment?

Email me your work at the end of the period

Monday, April 14, 2014

Economics Occupation Research Project

The US Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics produces the Occupational Outlook Handbook, which is a useful resource for finding information about particular jobs and careers.  Your assignment is to choose 5 occupations that interest you.  Then for each career:  read the job description, research the working conditions, research data relating to salary and future job outlook, qualifications and training, and finally related occupations.  Once you have gathered your information, you are to type a research paper evaluating which job you would be most suited for as a future career and why. 

PART I:  Research 5 Jobs (Day 1,)

You are to go to the following website:

You have 3 ways to find career information by occupation on this site.
  1. Type the name of an occupation located on the left side of the screen, halfway down the page in the “Search OOH” box.
  2. To find out about multiple occupations, browse through listings using the occupational cluster links to the right.
  3. For a listing of all occupations in alphabetical order, click on the “OOH search/A-Z Index” link and select a letter.  This is located in the upper left side of the screen.

Once you have selected a career, you are to then answer the following questions about your occupation choice:
1.      What is the job’s title, and describe this occupation (in other words, what does a person who has this job actually do)?
2.      What are the working conditions like for this job? (work environment)
3.      What are the required skills and training for this job?
4.      What are the earnings/wage rate expectations for each occupation?
5.      What are the employment opportunities—future outlook—for each job, (in other words, will there be jobs in this profession in the future)?
6.      What are SOME related occupations (just list a few)?

You will have to do this for 5 different careers.  Summarize information—DO NOT COPY AND PASTE CHUNKS OF TEXT FROM THE WEBSITE—YOU WILL GET A ZERO AND FAIL THE 6 WEEKS.  You may type this information in a word document or write the information on a sheet of paper. 

Day 2:  Continue Researching remaining jobs


Part II:  Typing your Paper  (Day 3 and 4)

Once you have found all of your information for your 5 jobs, you will then type your findings into a double spaced, 12 font, 7 paragraph research paper. 

Paragraph 1:    Introduction—state the purpose of this paper, and include the 5 jobs you researched, and the type of information you looked at. 

Paragraph 2:  Paragraph about the 1st job you researched, include the information that you found on the website to answer your occupation questions.  Include a topic sentence, details and a concluding sentence.  Include your thoughts about each job as you are writing your paper. 

Paragraph 3:  Job # 2  (just like previous paragraph)
Paragraph 4:  Job # 3
Paragraph 5:  Job # 4
Paragraph 6:  Job # 5

Paragraph 7:  Conclusion—restate the purpose of this paper and evalueate which job you liked the most and why. 

Turning in your paper:  Due April 24, 2014