Tuesday, October 21, 2014

US History Amendment Project

You will create a PowerPoint for your amendment to the US Constitution.

For each amendment you will answer 5 questions.

1. What year was the amendment ratified?

2. What was the purpose of the amendment?

3. What problem was the amendment meant to address?

4. During what era in US History was your amendment ratified?

5. In your opinion, how effective is the amendment?

Email me your work at the end of the period


Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Select a Supreme Court case from this Wikipedia page:


Landmark Supreme Court Decisions Questions

1.   Name and year of the Supreme Court case.

2.   Tell the story about what happened.

3.   What was the controversy? (why was there not a clear decision?)

4.   What was the argument of each side?
--Argument  1          --Argument 2

5.   What was the Supreme Court’s (SCOTUS) decision?

6.   Why did the SCOTUS make this decision? (use the Constitution and its amendments for SCOTUS justification)

7.   How did the decision affect US law?

8.   Do you agree with the SCOTUS’s decision? Why or why not?

9. What decision would you have made? Why?